Saturday, June 30, 2012

Treatment of Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Effective treatment for removal of dark circles under the eyes must be directed at the underlying cause of the dark circles. Millions of people complain of dark circles under the eyes but the underlying cause of the dark circles varies greatly. Treatments for dark circles that do not correct the underlying cause of the dark circle do not work. There is an incredible array of treatments for dark circles including cucumber slices, tea bags, vanishing creams, bleaching creams, lasers, surgery, more sleep, avoid TV and computer, drink 2 liters of water a day etc, yet few of these regimens seem to be directed at the underlying cause of the dark circles under the eyes.

To better understand the treatment of dark circles under the eyes I will discuss the various types of dark circles under the eyes that I encounter in my plastic surgery practice and my understanding of the cause of the dark circles, and what I feel is the most effective treatment to remove the dark circles under the eyes.

Understand that the eyelid skin appears darker than the surrounding facial skin in all people-this is the normal condition and is caused by shadows created by the overhanging brow and the fact that the eyelid skin is much thinner than the surrounding facial skin. Below I am talking about exaggerated dark circles under the eyes that cause people to be unhappy with their appearance.

Causes of Dark Circles under the Eyes

Thin Eyelid Skin

The eyelid skin is the thinnest in the body and many people with dark circles under the eyes have extremely thin skin on their eyelids and around the eyes. This thin skin is an inherited trait. The dark circles under the eyes are caused by the fact that the purple color of the underlying eyelid muscle shows through the thin skin and creates a bluish or purple color. The color is darkest near the nose and on the lower eyelid near the nose.

Treatment of dark circles under the eyes caused by thin skin is very difficult because it is very difficult to make your inherited skin thicker. Cover up make up like Jayne Iredale Eye Cover, Dermablend, and Covermark are very helpful and my first recommendation. Frequent microdermabrasion and Retin A cream over a long period of time will build new collagen in the dermis will thicken the skin and provide some improvement.

There are new lasers on the horizon which are very effective at stimulating new growth of collagen in the dermis and these new technologies may prove very beneficial. Be sure to sign up for my free newsletter to be informed when these new technologies are available.

The Arcus Deformity discussed below creates a very severe dark circle in people with thin eyelid skin and correction of the Arcus deformity with Arcus release and fat grafting can be very helpful treatment for dark circles under the eye in these individuals.

Prominent Eyelid Blood vessels and Veins

Everyone has veins and blood vessels called capillaries in their eyelid skin. In many people however the veins are very prominent and the blood vessels add to the dark color of the eyelid.

To diagnose this cause of dark circles look in a mirror with bright light on your face and gently pull the skin of the lower eyelid tight. You will see many tiny branching red and blue lines which represent blood vessels.

You need blood vessels and veins to keep your eyelid healthy and alive. However when there is an abundance of smaller vessels which create a bluish or purplish hue to the lower eyelid some new IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) or laser therapies can be used to treat dark circles under the eyes in people with an excess of small capillaries and blood vessels. The very large veins cannot be treated.

Laser blood vessel treatment is a serious and potentially dangerous treatment for dark circles under the eyes and must be performed by a physician who is experienced in the use of lasers and IPL. Most importantly the eye must be protected by placing a shield over the eye during treatment so that the laser or IPL light cannot hit the eye. The laser and IPL light can damage the retina and destroy vision if the beams hit the unprotected eye.

Pigmentation of the Eyelids

Hyper pigmentation, too much pigment in the skin of the eyelid is a very common cause of dark circles under the eyes. Treatment of dark circles under the eyes caused by hyper pigmentation is very effective, but the pigment frequently returns after sun exposure.

Hyper pigmentation of the lower eyelids occurs because of sun exposure and prevention with sun block, sun glasses, and a hat are the most important first treatment for this type of dark circles under the eyes.

The treatment of hyper pigmentation begins with bleaching creams such as a combination of Retin A and 4% Hydroquinone, Obagi Blender 5, Epiquin or other prescription bleaching cream combined with microdermabrasion.

After the above treatments have lessened the pigmentation causing the dark circles under the eyes, if necessary I proceed to IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatments. These treatments do effectively remove pigment causing the dark circle but again experience and eye protection are very necessary to prevent eye injury.

Hollow Eyes

Many people have a deep hollow beneath the lower eyelid which creates a dark shadow beneath the eyelid which people call dark circles under the eyes.

This deep hollow beneath the lower eyelid is caused by an inherited deficiency of fat and or bone and treatment of this type of dark circle under the eye requires surgery.

The hollow eye occurs more commonly in people from Central Asia and the Middle East but it certainly occurs in all races and from people in all regions of the world.

To treat dark circles under the eyes in people who have hollow eyes I do a laser procedure called an Arcus Marginalis release and fat grafting. The Arcus Marginalis is a structure which tethers the lower eyelid to the bone and creates a dark circle when the eyelid skin above the dark circle falls over the dark circle creating a shadow. Releasing the Arcus Marginalis releases the eyelid skin and eliminates the crease or dark circle.

I then transplant fat to fill the hollow in the bone and plump the dark circle and correct the hollow eye appearance.

Usually, to treat the dark circle under the eyes caused by the hollow eye I have to take fat from around the belly button on the abdomen to have enough fat to adequately fill the hollow eye deformity. The incision to remove the fat is well hidden down inside the belly button and is usually not visible.

Treatment of dark circles under the eyes caused by the hollow eye usually takes me 45 minutes to an hour, can be done with you asleep or awake, and recovery is usually 10 days. Patients do not complain of pain afterwards. The main recovery is waiting for bruising to go away and blurred vision from eye ointment that I have you use for the first week or two. Most importantly after this treatment you need to be calm, rest and not exert yourself. Working out or heavy lifting can raise your blood pressure and cause bleeding. Although you will be up and around the first few days with sunglasses to cover your bruising, I do not want you to exercise or lift heavy objects for at least 2 weeks.

The Arcus Deformity-the True dark Circle under the Eye

The most common cause of dark circles under the eyes in patients who seek treatment of dark circles under the eyes in my plastic surgery practice is the Arcus Deformity.

The Arcus Deformity is a dark crescent shaped circle or depression which occurs beneath the lower eyelid starting beside the nose in the corner of the eye and running out toward the side of the face and curving upward towards the outside corner of the eye.

The Arcus Deformity is caused by the fact that a small structure beneath the lower eyelid called the Arcus Marginalis is attached to the bone of the eye socket and also attached to the lower eyelid from underneath. This attachment tethers or holds the eyelid close to the bone of the eye socket while the rest of the lower eyelid is loose and free to move. The normal fat which is beneath the eyeball pushes out against the lower eyelid which creates a visible bulge on the lower eyelid. You can see this by closing one eye and gently pressing on the closed eye. With your other eye you will see the bulging of the fat against the closed lower eyelid on the other side.

The eyelid skin that is tethered by the Arcus Marginalis cannot move or bulge, and as the fat bulges the lower eyelid above the Arcus Marginalis it creates a shadow or dark circle beneath the eyelid where the Arcus Marginalis is attached to the lower eyelid skin. This is the true dark circle under the eyes.

As we age and our eyelid skin becomes loose or lax, the eyelid skin also falls or sags over the depression caused by the Arcus deformity and the dark circle gets worse. With aging and excess protrusion of fat against the lower eyelid the Arcus deformity can become quite pronounced.

The Arcus Deformity is the true dark circle under the eye and I use the term Arcus Deformity to differentiate it from the Tear Trough Deformity which is different. The Tear Trough Deformity starts near the corner of the eye in the same location as the Arcus Deformity but the Tear Trough Deformity runs down into the cheek rather than up toward the outside corner of the eye.

The Tear Trough Deformity is a sign of advanced facial aging and is caused by the sagging or descent of the cheek into the middle of the face which occurs with facial aging in your 50's and 60's. Tears run down the cheek and out the side of the face through the Tear Trough instead of straight down the cheek as they do in a child.

By contrast the Arcus Deformity occurs in much younger patients including children. Most people seeking treatment for dark circles under the eyes in my plastic surgery practice are in their 20's and 30's. Doctors often misdiagnose the Arcus Deformity as the Tear Trough Deformity which is a major problem if a Tear Trough Implant is used to treat the dark circle. The Tear Trough Implant is designed to plump or correct the depression in the cheek out toward the side of the face, and in my experience the Tear Trough Implant cannot adequately correct the dark circle under the eye where it is deepest, near the corner of the lower eyelid near the nose.

The treatment for dark circles under the eyes caused by the Arcus Deformity must include release of the Arcus Marginalis and fat repositioning or fat grafting to plump the area of the dark circle.

The traditional plastic surgery treatment for eyelid rejuvenation called the blepharoplasty, during which fat is removed, can actually make dark circles under the eyes worse and create a hollowed eye appearance.

Treatment of dark circles under the eyes that are caused by the Arcus deformity requires a modern blepharoplasty approach which includes release of the Arcus Marginalis and fat repositioning or fat grafting.

I use a very specific treatment for dark circles under the eyes called the transconjunctival blepharoplasty with Arcus release and fat grafting. This treatment is done through a tiny incision on the inside of the eyelid called a transconjunctival incision because it goes through the conjunctiva, the pink tissue on the inside of the lower eyelid. I also use the laser to make this incision.

The benefits of the laser transconjunctival incision are:

1. No visible scar or incision on the outside of the eyelid

2. No change in the shape of the lower eyelid-the traditional scalpel blepharoplasty through an external incision usually weakens the lower eyelid and causes a sad eyed look

3. Less bleeding during surgery

4. Less bruising after surgery

5. Quicker recovery

My results following treatment of dark circles under the eyes with the laser transconjunctival blepharoplasty with Arcus Marginalis release and fat grafting have been very successful. Most patients have recovered within a week and many who do not bruise are comfortable being seen with make up after 5 days.

Summary- Treatment of Dark Circles under the Eyes

To summarize, effective treatment of dark circles under the eyes requires that you correct the problem that is causing the dark circle under the eye. To accomplish this you must understand what type of dark circle under the eye you have and what is causing it. The following is a summary table:

Thin eyelid skin-Retin A, microdermabrasion, laser?

Prominent Eyelid Blood Vessels-IPL, Laser

Pigmentation of the Eyelid-Bleaching creams, IPL, laser, Microdermabrasion

Hollow Eyes-Arcus Marginalis Release and fat Grafting

Arcus deformity-Transconjunctival laser Blepharoplasty with Arcus release and fat grafting or repositioning

Treatment of dark circles under the eyes is possible; the key is understanding the underlying cause of your dark circles. With proper diagnosis and treatment of dark circles under the eyes caused by the Arcus deformity beautiful results can be achieved with the transconjunctival Arcus release and fat grafting.

Dr. Brooke R. Seckel is a nationally and internationally recognized authority on Plastic Surgery and the treatment of facial aging. He performs all types of cosmetic, facial and breast plastic surgery, but his special interest lies in the field of non-invasive and non-surgical therapies to correct and prevent facial aging.

Dr. Seckel was founder and Director of the Lahey Center for Cosmetic and Laser Surgery in Lexington, Massachusetts. He was also the founder and first chairman of the Department of Plastic Surgery at The Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Massachusetts, a large multi-specialty group practice hospital in the Boston area. He is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, The American Board of Neurology, and the American Board of Emergency Medicine. He is a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, American Society of Plastic Surgeons, American Association of Plastic Surgeons, is an Assistant Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School, and was recently voted one of the "Best Doctors in America" by Best Doctors® Inc. Boston Magazine has also recognized Dr. Brooke Seckel as one of the "Top Doctors in Boston" in 2006.

Dr. Seckel has published over 100 scientific articles in the field of plastic surgery and authored the first book on cosmetic laser surgery in 1995 entitled "Aesthetic Laser Surgery". He also published, Facial Danger Zones, a book devoted to teaching surgeons how to perform facial surgery safely without injuring the facial nerves.

More recently, Dr. Seckel published Save Your Face - The Revolutionary 6-step Non-surgical Facial Rejuvenation Program which discusses, in easy to understand language, the causes and prevention of facial aging, and the revolutionary new non-surgical methods for facial rejuvenation.

Dr Seckel's office is at Emerson Hospital in Concord, Massachusetts, 978-369-4499 and he may be contacted at

Friday, June 29, 2012

Watts Beauty Extreme Under Eye Cream Max - Dark Circles, Puffiness & Fine Lines

Watts Beauty Extreme Under Eye Cream Max - Dark Circles, Puffiness & Fine Lines Review

Watts Beauty Extreme Under Eye Cream Max - Dark Circles, Puffiness & Fine Lines

Watts Beauty Extreme Under Eye Cream Max - Dark Circles, Puffiness & Fine Lines Feature

  • Formulated with Ingredients used in popular high end under-eye cream.
  • Don't pay .00 for the same ingredients.
  • Contains Maximum Amount of Chrysin to diminish dark under eye circles.
  • Contains Maximum Amount of Depuff to decrease puffiness.
  • Contains Vanish Brand emu oil to minimize fine lines, etc.

"Buy Watts Beauty Extreme Under Eye Cream Max - Dark Circles, Puffiness & Fine Lines" Overview

This sale is for a 1/2 oz jar. Enough for several weeks. This product was formulated with the leading proven ingredients found in high end brand under eye creams to diminish dark circles and decrease puffiness. Chrysin is a granular product that releases into the cream leaving the small capsule behind. Do you know what actually "causes" serious dark circles? People think that dark circles are caused by hard partying, working late, being tired or simple allergies. But according to most research dermatologists, serious dark circles (the kind that make you look old, tired and exhausted) are about, of all things, the oxidation of hemoglobin (blood) in the capillary matrix of the peri-orbital eye area. These capillaries actually "leak" blood that begins to oxidize (through a process called hemoglobindegradation). creating a dark bluish-red pigmentation that looks distinctly like an ugly bruise. What does all that mean in plain English? Tiny little capillaries deposit blood around your sensitive eye area. The blood turns deep purple and you end up looking like you just went 12 hard rounds in a boxing ring.You will not be disappointed with Watts Beauty Extreme Under Eye Cream Max - Dark Circles, Puffiness & Fine Lines

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Eyelid Surgery - Cosmetic Surgery Information

Are You a Candidate for Eyelid Surgery?

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is quickly growing in popularity. It is a great choice for those who appear tired all the time or have droopy eyelids. Sometimes, this cosmetic procedure is a necessity to remove the excess skin and fatty tissue that may cause difficulties in someone's vision. However, in most cases, this procedure is performed in order to improve someone's appearance.

Individuals who are candidates for this procedure are those who have one or more of the following:

Excess skin that hampers the proper folding of the eyelid
A puffy appearance on the upper lid that makes you look tired
The presence of "bags" or "dark circles" under the eyes
Very fine skin and wrinkles under the eyes
Excess skin that has bumps or bulges under the eye

The doctor will complete an initial consultation to see if you are a candidate for this procedure. This decision will be based on your overall health, the number of cosmetic procedures you have had in the past, your medical history, and any medications you may be taking.

How Is the Procedure Done?

This surgery is done by making a small incision in the fold of the eyelid. Since it is in the crease, there is minimal scarring. The excess skin and fatty tissue is removed and stitches are placed to close the incision. It's usually completed as an outpatient procedure and you will need someone to drive you home.

Recovery and Healing

During the first 48 hours, you may experience some discomfort and swelling. Sitting with your head elevated and placing ice on the area will help relieve much of this. You may be prescribed some prescription medications to prevent any infection and to help reduce the discomfort. There is usually some bruising, but it will subside within a week or so. You are also able to use some types of makeup to cover up the bruising within a few days. The final results may take a bit of time to see, as your body adjusts to the surgery.

In Closing

Blepharoplasty is the ideal treatment option for anyone who has drooping eyelids, bags, or dark circles under their eyes. After the surgery, you will notice a significant improve in your appearance. Since the excess skin and fatty tissue is removed, there is seldom a need for additional surgery. Speak with a cosmetic surgeon today to discuss your options and risks, and to see before and after pictures.

Resource Box

See Marcadis Plastic Surgery for answers to questions about eyelid surgery. Learn more about this procedure and see how it can improve the look of tired, worn out eyes.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Miracles Really Do Happen

Up before dawn, it was our usual race to grab hard hats, safety vests, and for our whole family to jump into the company pickup. We all slumped into our seats, barely awake, while my husband punched the accelerator, merging into the busy pre-dawn line of construction vehicles headed toward a new day in dusty Bakersfield, California.

Turning west off Rosedale Highway, we veered off the main road and stopped before a padlocked gate. While dialing the lock numbers we quickly scanned the petroleum fields for a special breed of foxes, a local endangered species that inhabited the few acres of abandoned dirt hills. If we saw one of these animals we were obliged to cease working, contact the local biologist, and supposedly halt all operations until the security of the animals was assured.

No visible foxes were in sight, so we left the gate wide open for dozens of dump trucks to enter behind us and drove into a restricted hazardous waste materials clean up site.

Our boss had challenged us, "Can you load out 30,000 tons in the next three weeks?" Randy, my newlywed husband of 4-months, replied, "Not a problem." You see, "No" and "Impossible" were two words that just didn't exist in his vocabulary! Very quickly the job turned into 15-hour days of adrenaline-charged activities as we pulled together as a family to once again complete an 'impossible' job assignment.

Two of our sons, Larry and Jeff, were soon joined by their step-brother, Robbie, and together with our three sons we loaded the first 30,000 yards of inky black petroleum coke. Petroleum coke is normally the consistency of sand or ash... but we were to soon discover what none of the scientists and engineers could have predicted... that under the soft layer of coke was a nearly petrified strata of very heavy, solid pet-coke. With the right machinery we could have drilled and broken up that immovable strata, but all we had were loaders. This should have been a red flag for what was about to happen...

Randy was an expert operator of heavy machinery, but the rest of us were so green we needed to be taught everything from lubrication to building ramps. I was a middle-aged mother who had previously spent more than a dozen years home schooling children and volunteering at church.

I had never before stepped foot on a construction site let alone operated machines that required a ladder just to get into the operator's seat!

I was challenged with operating a CAT 962 loader and Robotrack screen plant - solo! Larry got the CAT 980 loader, Jeff pulled water truck duty, and Robbie shoveled pet-coke on the rail cars.

Learning to live together as a blended family is normally a hurdle that requires a few years of diligence to master, but for our family we were not only living together but working in a dangerous environmental cleanup project together. Let's just say we elected for the accelerated course!

Our boss enjoyed the million-dollars-a-month our little family crew was producing for him.

We were working together like a well-oiled machine, loading out as much as 204 large dump trucks in a day. It became necessary to hire more men, so we went out and recruited some more green people... and trained the new guys, who became like family to us. Except for Randy, none of us had gotten our hazwhoper certification yet and we were not outfitted adequatelyfor the job. We hadn't even received our entrance medical exams! It was a rush-rush job and at a million dollars a month profit we couldn't afford to slow down for things like that, is what our out-of-state project manager explained to us.

Our boss had thrown down the gauntlet - 30,000 tons of pet-coke to be removed in three weeks!

Randy had just come off of 4 months straight of 24-hour days working in a very stressful hazmat environment with high level toxicity in Chicago. The newborn company wasn't yet set up for the required medical checkups so despite massive exposure to high level toxins on a 'round the clock basis, Randy was pushed to his physical and mental limits at the Chicago hazmat site without the standard safeguards in place.

It was like he was driven... not really a man, but more like a machine. He gave everything he had to his boss, and there was nothing that could stop him. Randy accomplished everything put in front of him to do, even if it meant staying up all night in a dark, lonely shop putting machinery together so the work could continue at top speed. You would have thought we would recognize the warning signs... every machine breaks down now and then, even the human machines! But we were consumed with keeping our noses above water and just surviving from day-to-day.

We passed the 30,000 ton mark in the first month and we were almost half-way through the pile!

We didn't have the proper machinery, but the job was flying at such a pace that it had become impossible to slow down. Our bosses were watching those dollar signs flash between computer screens... it was truly amazing what one little family crew could do!

After breaking through to the petrified layer we began deliberately crashing our loaders into the solid pet-coke in order to break off pieces small enough to load. It was back-wrenching and head-ache producing work. We were getting hurt every day, but there was no slowing down. We had daily production quotas to meet.

One day Randy picked up something off the ground and white dust flew everywhere. The screen plant is a giant roaring, bellowing red monster that blows air like a land whale. If you get near the controls it's like a sand-blaster in your face.

We never knew what we would find in the pile - it had lain there for decades, accumulating garbage of every kind possible. There were times when I was loading into the dump trucks and I would see things like brown bottles you would find in chemistry set or in a pharmacy. It's just one of the risks you run in hazmat... but our job was so fast-paced that none of us had yet gone to hazwhoper school!

We were not even certified to work on a hazmat field!

By early July 2003 the Bakersfield desert was immersed in a broiling heat wave. Daily temperatures were rocketing into the triple digits, so we began working as early as possible in the pre-dawn hours before the heat became unbearable. Working as fast as possible, already exhausted from months of stressful unrelenting work loads, Randy was operating his CAT 980 at full-throttle. Loading the dump trucks was his primary task, as it was a delicate operation and none of us "greenies" were capable of filling the loads as quickly as was needed.

Then it happened. Going in full-throttle for the inevitable shaking, grinding bite into the petrified coke, Randy's machine broke - the bolts sheared right off. Randy's body hit the steering column and pain exploded through his chest and back. Pain was normal for him and he thought he could shrug it off. "Impossible" was not in his vocabulary, so he continued working.

Randy was usually very patient and gentle with all of us "greenies" but from that day onward he became edgy with a slow fuse that often resulted in verbal explosions.

After a very grouchy weekend, my husband told me, "You might want to take me to the emergency room - I think I'm having a heart attack."

We arrived at the Bakersfield Heart Hospital early Sunday morning. Randy collapsed and the emergency team quickly took him in and ran a battery of tests. When I was called in the doctor was finishing writing his report and didn't look up at me. While continuing to write he told me that he was prescribing an antibiotic for acute bronchitis.

Intuitively I knew something was wrong with that report, so I attempted to get the doctor's attention. I wanted to look him in the eye, but he was in a hurry. This patient's heart was perfectly healthy and he was ready to move onto a real emergency, seemed to be his perspective. Why bother to interrupt a busy emergency room with such a dramatic entrance when his heart was perfectly fine?!?

I interrupted his hasty departure by saying, "Doctor, do you want to know what he was doing when this pain happened?" The doctor, barely giving me a glance, replied, "Just have him take that antibiotic for 10-days and he should be fine."

I knew something was wrong but I couldn't figure it out!

On Monday, we returned to the job site, but Randy just wasn't right. Our project manager had just visited our site a few days prior and had already returned to Indiana. We stayed in close contact via phone and email so I let him know what had happened and he advised me to take Randy back into ER. Tuesday morning we left the job site for a couple of hours to visit a different emergency room.

Running the same battery of tests, the doctor was pleased to tell us that Randy's heart was perfectly fine. This man looked me in the eye when I asked him what he thought it was, and then he commenced a long speech... about the perils of working on a hazmat site without a face mask. He told us that he sees refinery workers come in all the time with lung problems as a result of working without respiratory protection. He diagnosed Randy's pain as "chemical pneumonitus" and told us to see a pulmonologist.

No one seemed to think this was an emergency case, and being out of state we had no medical resources who knew us personally. We arrived at the medical building and saw the pulmonologist who sounded amazingly confident (after x-rays and CATscans) as she explained that Randy was suffering from Valley Fever, a common but serious malady affecting the Bakersfield area and causing similar complaints. She advised us to go to Scripp's Clinic in LaJolla for further testing and diagnosis.

Nothing felt right to me. It seemed like every doctor was looking through a certain pair of eyeglasses - called by the name of their particular branch of knowledge, or specialty combined with their personal experience. So I thought to myself that we needed a primary care physician, an internist or general practitioner who could help us put the pieces together. Our pastor referred us to a very capable, mature doctor who examined Randy from head to toe, leaving no body part unturned. She assured us that it was simply a matter of eliminating all the possibilities and getting to the root cause. We felt relieved that someone was going to bat for us, even if it did mean sitting in her waiting room for hours on end (she was that thorough for all her patients!)

By then our company was alarmed. They purchased two airline tickets (one-way) to bring Randy and me to Chicago so that their own doctors could treat Randy. By then we had been to so many doctors and we didn't think Randy's body could tolerate the trip so our project manager was able to convince the corporate executives to allow us to stay and continue to receive treatment in California.

Because Randy remembered breathing in the white dust near the screen plant, it was suspected that a contaminant had affected his lungs (he had a lot of trouble breathing, along with severe chest pain extending to his back). So everything suddenly changed at the job site. Yellow and black striped tape was posted all around the "contamination zone" and everyone, including truck drivers, were required to wear face masks at all times on the site.

All of us "greenies" were directed to hurry up and register for hazwhoper classes at the local college so that we would be legally certified to be working at a hazmat site. The company didn't want to get caught with their pants down. Also, it's the law that all hazmat workers must receive a physical checkup upon entering and exiting a job. We all got our checkups except Randy - and his 'illness' was to be kept secret. Our partnering company could not see Randy in his condition or know how seriously hurt he was. By the time the tape was put up and the face mask rule was put into effect it was impossible not to tell them the truth.

As a caregiver, I felt hopelessly inadequate!

Throughout the course of 10 monthsfollowing the accident, Randy was sent to every possible type of medical practitioner in Bakersfield. One osteopath had attempted to examine Randy but in palpitating his upper abdomen Randy screamed and bolted up off the table. He continued screaming and the doctor quickly finished his exam, said that it was probably his pancreas, and then left the room with a referral to a stomach specialist! A few minutes later a nurse returned saying that we could leave now.

Leave? This was a man who could endure anything - he was a machine! He could lift 300-pounds without breathing hard. Impossible and no were not in his vocabulary. But Randy was screaming, "No!" Something terrible had happened when the doctor palpitated his upper abdomen. In the parking lot Randy refused to get in the truck until I returned to the office and asked for something strong to kill the pain. It was closing hours and they told me I would have to wait and make another appointment to discuss pain medication. I became very bold at that moment and told them I was not leaving their office unless they prescribed something to help. How do you send a screaming man home? Especially when you don't know his background... how he was taught as a Montana logging man to keep working, even if your arm was half sawed off by a chainsaw! If only they had known Randy was not just being dramatic - he was dying of pain at that moment!

As a caregiver, I felt hopelessly inadequate. I felt responsible for Randy 24-hours a day. The worst part was not knowing what it was. At home, listening to him scream in pain I often wondered if he was going to die. If you can face your enemy head on it's so much easier! But we were getting hit from all directions at once. Sometimes people forget that caregivers need as much help and support as the severely injured person. When a severe injury happens it traumatizes the whole family!

A few weeks later we went to the stomach doctor... who allowed me in the room to watch a computer screen showing him pinch the inside of Randy's stomach, taking a biopsy. He told me Randy's stomach was just fine and prescribed two kinds of medicine which he assured us would help Randy's nausea. At least they had ruled out pancreatic cancer.

There are people today who are relieved that our nation will finally have national health care and that everyone will have access to medical resources. I'm not opposed to everyone having medical resources... but is that where we can place our trust? Randy and I were to learn that trusting in any THING or any PERSON or any PLAN apart from God will fail.

God was intruding into our world to teach us something about Him - that His Love never fails and that He is the only with the real solution to pain, to disease, to financial losses... to everything!

He wants to be our all in all! When all systems fail and everything and everyone we trusted in fails, God really is there to support and sustain us!

In the fall of 2003 our physician told us that she had run out of medical resources and that we should consider Los Angeles. We were referred to a Los Angeles-based neurosurgeon who also had an office one-day a week in Bakersfield.

Within the first 5-minutes of our first appointment, Dr. A__ said he suspected T-8 or T-9 in the thoracic spine as the culprit. Telling us we would need to schedule a diskogram with at a Los Angeles clinic he left us feeling very hopeful for the first time since that black day when the pain began.

Because no one knew what was wrong, Randy had no release to stop working. A new supervisor had been flown in to replace Randy, but no one was allowed to know what had happened... so Randy was still "on duty". The new supervisor claimed he had back problems, so he refused to help us lowly workers on the job - we had to figure everything out ourselves. Randy came and went. While his pain tolerance was very high there were a lot of days when he just had to go home and go to bed. His back felt like it was bleeding and he would often lift his shirt and ask me to examine his back - did I see anything that would indicate bleeding? It all looked normal to me, except for a big swelling in the middle.

Randy became nauseated and had headaches, in addition to all the chest and back pain. His sweet nature continued to sour as more and more pain encroached on his life. The doctors prescribed as a high of dose of narcotic pain medication as they dared give him, but it was neverenough to do more than take the edge off of the increasing pain. No one thought he might need a rest. No one mentioned taking time off of work. And for Randy, it was not an option.

We finished the job in Bakersfield, going above and beyond what the company expected... earning millions of dollars in profit for this brand new, untested environmental company. It was time for a rest, finally! It should have been time to move us on to the next hazmat site, but everyone knew Randy was not up for it... so they quietly kept us on the Bakersfield site for six more months, even though we had no work to do.

Randy was quickly sliding downhill and by the time we arrived in Los Angeles for the diskogram we were desperate for anything to work. Putting Randy on the surgery table, the surgeon placed needles inside his spine as a test to see if/where the problematic area was. There was absolutely no doubt about which disk was the problem, as Randy shot up off the table and it took the whole surgery team to put him back on the table and to hold him down. The doctor quickly prescribed Demerol and then more and more and more. The nurses cautioned him that he had already had the full amount but the doctor took one look at Randy and said to give him more. They would not allow me into the recovery room for over four hours due to the problems they were having controlling Randy.

A patient next door to Randy said, "I thought I was in pain, but clearly I don't know what the word is compared to what's happening to that guy!"

Finally, as the clinic was closing its doors, they pushed Randy into the passenger door of our pickup and waved us off. Every bump on the 401 sent excruciating pain down Randy's spine. The 2-hour drive through Los Angeles rush hour traffic is still memorable to me, at this moment!

A week later we returned to Dr. A__'s office and he offered us the assurance that help was on the way. He told us he had just returned from a conference in which "nucleoplasty" was the topic of discussion. It was a new procedure back then and the doctor described it as heating up the disk material until it resembles the consistency of a marshmallow. This simulates a broken back to the body, which will then go into action to "fix the break". Dr. A___ rated this procedure as 50/50 in its chances of being effective. We were so desperate at that point we would have tried anything that offered a possibility of relief from the unrelenting pain. Little did we realize that the treatment itself was about to sever any chances of Randy living a normal life. They were operating under an assumption that there was damage and deterioration to the disk, because by that time none of the specialists were asking what had happened at the time the pain began!

It was to be eight months after the injury that Dr. S__, with the aid of fluoroscopy, discovered the cause of the pain - a broken rib that had penetrated the disk, crushing a nerve in the T-8 and T-9 area. That part of the thoracic spine regulates function of the chest muscles, heart, lungs, etc... thus, the reason for the heart attack symptoms in those areas!

Following the nucleoplasty, Randy was sent home the same day... another bumpy drive down the 401 in Los Angeles. A short one-week job had opened up in a town 2-hours from Bakersfield, so Randy and I went to work that job just one-day following his nucleoplasty. None of the doctors had given Randy any restrictions at that point and no one thought he needed time off of work. We missed that red flag entirely!

Randy had a very hard time traveling. The motion of the vehicle, even just standing up was incredibly difficult. It was like his back was bent in the middle and he was struggling to hold himself erect. We got the job done and returned to Bakersfield for a follow up appointment with Dr. A__.

Dr. A__ then instructed Randy that if the procedure was to work (it would take approximately a half year to know if it was effective or not) he would need to cease driving any type of vehicle, not lift anything more than 5 pounds, and not travel more than 1 hours at one time. It was Thanksgiving time and we were still on the job site, really hoping to go home. Dr. A__ advised us to remain in California and not to travel under any circumstances.

I was dismayed to think we were only just learning about these restrictions over a week after the surgery! We didn't know how dangerous it was to be physically active following that type of surgery. The reality of Randy's situation progressively grew worse, seemingly day by day. By then the holidays were upon us and all of the physicians were heavily booked or unavailable. The swelling in the center of Randy's back had increased to such an extent that one of the young children at the RV park asked Randy if he was a hunchback!

To keep the pain at bay, Randy would walk in circles for hours on end at the RV park, but after the nucleoplasty it was like he ran out of juice and many times we could find him laying down in the sand just outside the RV park, in an empty field. He had carved out in the sand the only place he could find that would allow a measure of relief.

Finally, by mid-January, we were able to see Dr. A___ again and he officially released Randy from work on the 23rd. He stressed that for the next several months Randy not drive, not pick up more than five pounds, and limit his travels to no more than 1 hours. He sent Randy to a Dr. A___n, a specialist who helps people recover from spinal cord injuries and also to Dr. S__, a pain management specialist.

The two specialists argued about treatment back and forth between each other, and each time we went to see one of them, they would complain about the other doctor and say they refused to comply with the other's prescription. Dr. A__n refused to treat Randy at all, saying that the swelling on his back would first have to come down. When I asked if there was something we could do to help Randy walk and to support his back which was bent in the middle, he prescribed a wheelchair and a back brace, along with a new form of morphine.

In March of 2004 Dr. S__, after a series of failed attempts to relieve the pressure of the swelling on Randy's spine, discovered the real culprit - and said that Randy's injury was due to a hole in his spinal cord. Well, something finally made sense! And we felt in our spirits that this was the breakthrough that was needed. To not know, to not understand, is to walk in the dark - and when you walk in the dark you stumble around. To finally understand what happened provided so much relief!

We asked Dr. S__ what do you do about a spinal tear? His reply shocked Randy and me. He said to rest for one or two years. I looked at Randy and he looked at me... "Rest, what is that?" was the silent communication we had between each other. And for how long???

Our lives were about to shift once again in ways that would forever change us. A brochure for a healing conference arrived in the mail and we signed up for it that very day! A few weeks later were traveling to British Columbia with one goal in mind: the complete healing of Randy's spine. It was our only hope!

Randy had made a vow and he sealed it by not bringing enough pain medication to last the weekend. He told me, "If God doesn't heal me then you can just put me in the ground!" The first day was really great but no healing. The second day was wonderful but just as Randy got in front of the speaker to receive prayer, they had to close down the service and empty the building! The third day was discouraging and Randy began to lose hope. It took about a half dozen of us to push him to the front to receive prayer. John Arnott was the speaker and he didn't care about speaking so much as he wanted those in chronic pain - specifically those who had been in chronic pain for many years - to come to the front.

We finally pushed and tugged Randy forward. Later he confided that he wasn't certain which fear was the greatest... that he would be healed or that he wouldn't be healed! After all, a lot of people go to healing conferences and they don't get healed. And really, when you see people fall down and claim to be healed, are they really healed or is it a bunch of emotionalism and hype, or worse? We were about to find out.

The actual moment of healing was recorded on tape and then produced into a DVD called "Miracles, the Randy McKenzie Story". I was there watching but my husband was so short I couldn't see anything with all the people in front of me. Then suddenly John Arnott was asking if anyone had come with Randy and for that someone to please come up front. Randy was stretching and bending, doing things that would normally have sliced the muscles and tissues in his back, with all the wires. My husband was crying and then suddenly he picked me up in his arms and began twirling me around! He always told me that when God healed him, the first thing he would do is pick me up in his arms, and he kept his promise!

From somewhere to my right a voice was saying, "Honey, you've got your husband back!"

The whole world fell away as Randy and I just held each other, until the voice spoke again and said, "Well, I think we'll just let them have their own private moment here!" I peeked out from having buried my head in Randy's shoulder and John Arnott was handing me a microphone. Oh dear! I just said the first thing that came to my head, because it was the sum total of all Randy and I had been praying about over the years.

And that's when our lives changed, irreversibly, once again. Not only had God removed my husband's pain but when we put hands on his back he could feel our hands, whereas before they had cauterized so many nerves that his back had become numb. As if that weren't enough, Randy had run out of pain meds and could not have taken any if he had wanted to... this was literally his last chance. He slept for the first time that night - all night long! And never once suffered a symptom of withdrawal. His doctor, during follow up after the conference, told him he should have died simply from going cold turkey off those prescriptions!

I don't know what shocked us more: the injury or the healing. I think the healing. And that's when the conference leaders sent a film crew to our house and began filming a drama/documentary in our living room and local area. We really didn't want to be part of the movie and had no idea why anyone would want to film an ordinary family who lived in the wilderness and had made pretty much every mistake known to man. But a little ways up the mountain, in a sacred space, where the host of Heaven had been witness, some prayers echoed down to me, "We'll go wherever you want us to go. We just want to touch the lives of the most hurt, the most broken, the most needy...." So we said yes and just trusted God.

Miracles do happen today!

For more information and resources to help you start on the journey to writing your life story visit This website was designed to help you preserve the golden nuggets of your valuable life experiences and to craft your stories into a gorgeous full-color Life Story Book that will certainly become a valuable family heirloom to be shared with the next generation... a living family legacy.

Susan D McKenzie is passionate about families - constantly learning and seeking ways to help heal the heart of the family. She writes articles, memoirs, personal essays and loves to mentor people of all ages in the art of storytelling.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Zirh International Zirh Restore By Zirh International For Men. Herbal Under Eye Cream 30 Ml / 1.0-Ounces

Zirh International Zirh Restore By Zirh International For Men. Herbal Under Eye Cream 30 Ml / 1.0-Ounces Review

Zirh International Zirh Restore By Zirh International For Men. Herbal Under Eye Cream 30 Ml / 1.0-Ounces

Zirh International Zirh Restore By Zirh International For Men. Herbal Under Eye Cream 30 Ml / 1.0-Ounces Feature

  • Zirh Restore for Men Herbal Under Eye Cream 30 Ml / 1.0 Oz
  • All our fragrances are 100% originals by their original designers. We do not sell any knockoffs or immitations.
  • Packaging for this product may vary from that shown in the image above
  • We offer many great sales and discounts making this fragrance cheaper than at department stores.
  • Herbal Under Eye Cream 30 Ml / 1.0 Oz for Men

"Buy Zirh International Zirh Restore By Zirh International For Men. Herbal Under Eye Cream 30 Ml / 1.0-Ounces" Overview

Eye Restoration

Apply Zirh Restore to help reduce puffiness and dark circles around the eye area. This herbal eye cream makes the delicate skin around the eyes stronger, healthier and more resilient, locking in beneficial surface moisture.

  • An herbal eye cream
  • Strengthens the skin around the eyes
  • Locks in moisture

Especially Suited For: All skin types

Essential Elements: This formula contains skin conditioning agents and aloe vera that work synergistically to reduce puffiness, discoloration and fine lines around the eyes. Size: 1.01 oz.

For Best Effect: Apply small amount lightly in circular motion under and around eyes, up to twice daily. Do not apply into the eye.

You will not be disappointed with Zirh International Zirh Restore By Zirh International For Men. Herbal Under Eye Cream 30 Ml / 1.0-Ounces

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Maybelline New York Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles Treatment Concealer, Medium 30, 0.2-fluid Ounce

Maybelline New York Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles Treatment Concealer, Medium 30, 0.2-fluid Ounce Review

Maybelline New York Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles Treatment Concealer, Medium 30, 0.2-fluid Ounce

Maybelline New York Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles Treatment Concealer, Medium 30, 0.2-fluid Ounce Feature

  • With goji berry and haloxyl
  • Instantly erases the appearance of dark circles and fine lines
  • Visibly diminishes the appearance of puffiness

"Buy Maybelline New York Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles Treatment Concealer, Medium 30, 0.2-fluid Ounce" Overview

Instantly creates a radiant, refreshed looking eye area. Super concentrated formula with goji berry and haloxyl helps to erase the appearance of dark circles and fine lines, while visibly diminishing the appearance of puffiness around the eyes.You will not be disappointed with Maybelline New York Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles Treatment Concealer, Medium 30, 0.2-fluid Ounce

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Obagi Medical Elastiderm Eye Treatment Gel, 0.5 Ounce

Obagi Medical Elastiderm Eye Treatment Gel, 0.5 Ounce Review

Obagi Medical Elastiderm Eye Treatment Gel, 0.5 Ounce

Obagi Medical Elastiderm Eye Treatment Gel, 0.5 Ounce Feature

  • Helps to improve elasticity
  • For youthful-looking skin
  • Provides a visible reduction

"Buy Obagi Medical Elastiderm Eye Treatment Gel, 0.5 Ounce" Overview

This product helps to improve the skin's elasticity for a firmer, more youthful look. Provides light moisture for daytime use. Can be worn under make-up. Provides a visible reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Allows for the natural replenishment of elastin and collagen.You will not be disappointed with Obagi Medical Elastiderm Eye Treatment Gel, 0.5 Ounce

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Caswell-Massey - Cucumber Eye Pads (Jar of 24)

Caswell-Massey - Cucumber Eye Pads (Jar of 24) Review

Caswell-Massey - Cucumber Eye Pads (Jar of 24)

Caswell-Massey - Cucumber Eye Pads (Jar of 24) Feature

  • Contains a jar of 24 cucumber eye pads
  • Not tested on animals
  • Refrigerated for added freshness
  • Alleviates stress, reduces puffiness, and dark circles
  • Product of USA

"Buy Caswell-Massey - Cucumber Eye Pads (Jar of 24)" Overview

At the end of the day treat your eyes to the cooling, soothing relief of our Cucumber Eye Pads. Printed to look like individual slices, each is pre-moistened with pure cucumber juice and other rejuvenating natural extracts including Chamomile, Aloe Vera and Green Tea. As eyes cool, puffiness and dark circles under the eyes are reduced.You will not be disappointed with Caswell-Massey - Cucumber Eye Pads (Jar of 24)

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Friday, June 22, 2012

gloMinerals gloConcealer Under-Eye - Golden

gloMinerals gloConcealer Under-Eye - Golden Review

gloMinerals gloConcealer Under-Eye - Golden

gloMinerals gloConcealer Under-Eye - Golden Feature

  • Enriched with moisture and lubricants to eliminate caking
  • Improves dark circles and hyperpigmentation
  • Use with gloBase, or alone to conceal even the most prominent skin imperfections
  • Ideal for covering scarring, pigmentation, skin conditions and blemishes
  • Golden is a medium-light shade with yellow undertones

"Buy gloMinerals gloConcealer Under-Eye - Golden" Overview

gloMinerals gloConcealer Under-Eye contains two concealer shades to perfectly customize to you skin tone. Whether covering an occasional blemish, scarring, hyperpigmentation or a visible skin condition, herein lies the solution. This product offers rich pigments to conceal and clinically advanced treatment ingredients to help improve dark circles and hyperpigmentation and also provides treatment benefits to help brighten and improve dark circles under the eyes.You will not be disappointed with gloMinerals gloConcealer Under-Eye - Golden

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sudden Change Under-Eye Firming Serum, .23 fl oz (7 ml) (Pack of 2)

Sudden Change Under-Eye Firming Serum, .23 fl oz (7 ml) (Pack of 2) Review

Sudden Change Under-Eye Firming Serum, .23 fl oz (7 ml) (Pack of 2)

Sudden Change Under-Eye Firming Serum, .23 fl oz (7 ml) (Pack of 2) Feature

  • Lines, Wrinkles & Circles Disappear in 3 Minutes
  • For Delicate Eye Area
  • Use daytime or evening to look your best
  • Look Younger in just 3 minutes

"Buy Sudden Change Under-Eye Firming Serum, .23 fl oz (7 ml) (Pack of 2)" Overview

Lines, wrinkles & circles disappear in 3 minutes. For delicate eye area, use daytime or evening to look your best. Look younger in just 3 minutes. Doctor tested. This remarkable Serum works unlike anything you have ever used before to make the appearance of dark circles, wrinkles, lines and puffiness disappear, instantly. Within minutes this Serum firms and tightens your under-eye area to smooth out lines, wrinkles & puffiness while minimizing dark circles. This unique, temporary, quick-action formula lasts for the day and can be refreshed and touched up anytime. Manufactured in the USA.You will not be disappointed with Sudden Change Under-Eye Firming Serum, .23 fl oz (7 ml) (Pack of 2)

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Queen Bee 100% All-Natural, Organic Under Eye & Anti Wrinkle Balm - Removes Dark Circles, Facial Lines and Wrinkles Naturally - .5oz

Queen Bee 100% All-Natural, Organic Under Eye & Anti Wrinkle Balm - Removes Dark Circles, Facial Lines and Wrinkles Naturally - .5oz Review

Queen Bee 100% All-Natural, Organic Under Eye & Anti Wrinkle Balm - Removes Dark Circles, Facial Lines and Wrinkles Naturally - .5oz

Queen Bee 100% All-Natural, Organic Under Eye & Anti Wrinkle Balm - Removes Dark Circles, Facial Lines and Wrinkles Naturally - .5oz Feature

  • The organic, natural formula that removes dark under eye circles, lines and puffiness and fades facial lines and wrinkles
  • Handmade in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania using only the highest quality 100% All-Natural Ingredients.
  • Moisturizes and keeps skin looking soft, vibrant and smooth without the use of harsh chemicals
  • Contains NO cancer causing additives or preservatives found in most brand name skin care supplements
  • Queen Bee Skin Balm uses triple filtered, organic Beeswax and organic Vanilla essential oil, giving this balm a light but beautiful natural fragrance

"Buy Queen Bee 100% All-Natural, Organic Under Eye & Anti Wrinkle Balm - Removes Dark Circles, Facial Lines and Wrinkles Naturally - .5oz" Overview

Our beautiful Queen Bee skin revitalizing balm is carefully hand made using only the highest quality 100% All-Natural Ingredients. This wonderful balm removes under eye circles, fades facial lines and wrinkles, moisturizes and protects damaged skin, and keeps skin looking healthy, smooth and vibrant. All without harmful and dangerous chemicals found in most store bought moisturizers and skin care products. Our formula works because we do not skimp on the quality of the ingredients.

the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health has stated that nearly 900 of the chemicals used in cosmetics are toxic. Most mass produced, brand name skin care products have a long list of hard to pronounce chemicals and often these products use the cheapest ingredients possible. Even so called organic or all natural cosmetic products will use chemicals or dyes during processing that are not listed on the label. Even the fragrances found in skin care products can be carcinogenic. Queen Bee skin balm is one of the few cosmetic products available that uses all-natural, organic ingredients and is 100% chemical free.You will not be disappointed with Queen Bee 100% All-Natural, Organic Under Eye & Anti Wrinkle Balm - Removes Dark Circles, Facial Lines and Wrinkles Naturally - .5oz

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

L'Oreal Paris Men's Expert Hydra-Energetic Ice Cold Eye Roller, 0.33-Fluid Ounce

L'Oreal Paris Men's Expert Hydra-Energetic Ice Cold Eye Roller, 0.33-Fluid Ounce Review

L'Oreal Paris Men's Expert Hydra-Energetic Ice Cold Eye Roller, 0.33-Fluid Ounce

L'Oreal Paris Men's Expert Hydra-Energetic Ice Cold Eye Roller, 0.33-Fluid Ounce Feature

  • Sublime Bronze Lotion SPF 20 Medium

"Buy L'Oreal Paris Men's Expert Hydra-Energetic Ice Cold Eye Roller, 0.33-Fluid Ounce" Overview

For men who don't want the world to know they were up late. Men's Expert Hydra-Energetic Ice Cold Eye Roller is a refreshing wake-up call that dissolves signs of fatigue like dark under-eye circles and puffiness. Lightweight serum absorbs quickly and the hands-free application is fast and easy. Men's Expert Ice Cold Eye Roller is made with Vitamin C and caffeine to help reduce the look of dark circles and puffiness.You will not be disappointed with L'Oreal Paris Men's Expert Hydra-Energetic Ice Cold Eye Roller, 0.33-Fluid Ounce

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Monday, June 18, 2012

EYE WONDER - Triple Action Eye Treatment Cream with Peptides & Botanicals for Dark Circles, Puffiness & Wrinkles - Paraben Free

EYE WONDER - Triple Action Eye Treatment Cream with Peptides & Botanicals for Dark Circles, Puffiness & Wrinkles - Paraben Free Review

EYE WONDER - Triple Action Eye Treatment Cream with Peptides & Botanicals for Dark Circles, Puffiness & Wrinkles - Paraben Free

EYE WONDER - Triple Action Eye Treatment Cream with Peptides & Botanicals for Dark Circles, Puffiness & Wrinkles - Paraben Free Feature

  • Formulated with clinically proven peptides and botanicals to reduce the look of dark circles, puffiness & wrinkles
  • Contains the latest clinically proven ingredients at active levels to truly give results
  • Most people don t know why they have under eye circles which is the reason why this eye cream contain specific ingredients to address every condition
  • Boosts the skins natural collagen
  • Lare 20 mL fill weight (jar will last months)

"Buy EYE WONDER - Triple Action Eye Treatment Cream with Peptides & Botanicals for Dark Circles, Puffiness & Wrinkles - Paraben Free" Overview

Finally an eye cream that is formulated to reduce the appearance of puffiness, wrinkles and dark circles, no matter the cause!Most people don't know why they have darkness under the eyes - Whether it's hereditary, thinning skin, inflammation or lack of sleep, Vasanti has found the latest technology in active ingredients to combat, no matter the cause. Botanicals and peptides are the key active ingredients.Issues / Problems Addressed: Dark Under eye circles due to: A) Overproduction of melanin, commonly known to be hereditary B) Poor blood circulation and breakage of the capillary walls C) Accumulation of hemoglobin and inflammation under the eyes D) Thinning of the skin under the eyes.Wrinkles due to : Aging, sun damage, and poor elasticity.Puffiness due to: fluid trapped under the eye which is usually most severe when you wake up, temporarily caused by alcohol, salty foods or tears the night before.You will not be disappointed with EYE WONDER - Triple Action Eye Treatment Cream with Peptides & Botanicals for Dark Circles, Puffiness & Wrinkles - Paraben Free

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

L'Oreal Paris Collagen Micro-Pulse Eye Correction System, 0.5-Fluid Ounce

L'Oreal Paris Collagen Micro-Pulse Eye Correction System, 0.5-Fluid Ounce Review

L'Oreal Paris Collagen Micro-Pulse Eye Correction System, 0.5-Fluid Ounce

L'Oreal Paris Collagen Micro-Pulse Eye Correction System, 0.5-Fluid Ounce Feature

  • First total eye correction system with a potent formula + micro-pulse massager
  • Enriched with erasyl to help diminish dark circles
  • Eyes are left visibly brighter, smoother, and wide-awake

"Buy L'Oreal Paris Collagen Micro-Pulse Eye Correction System, 0.5-Fluid Ounce" Overview

Why is Collagen Micro-Pulse Eye right for me? With time, the eye area experiences several signs of aging and fatigue -- dark circles, under eye bags and wrinkles appear--leaving the eye area looking less youthful and dull.You will not be disappointed with L'Oreal Paris Collagen Micro-Pulse Eye Correction System, 0.5-Fluid Ounce

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Olay Regenerist Eye Cream and Concealer, 0.5 Ounce

Olay Regenerist Eye Cream and Concealer, 0.5 Ounce Review

Olay Regenerist Eye Cream and Concealer, 0.5 Ounce

Olay Regenerist Eye Cream and Concealer, 0.5 Ounce Feature

  • Hydrates skin around the eyes to smooth texture and diminish the look of fine lines and wrinkles, while a touch of concealer instantly brightens dark circles
  • For the following skin types: Normal, Dry, Combination/Oily
  • Helps with these face concerns: Fine Lines/Wrinkles, Dark Circles under eyes, Uneven Skin color/tone
  • You'll love Regenerist Touch of Concealer eye regenerating cream because it visibly lifts and regenerates your look with a touch of concealer to instantly diminish the appearance of dark circles around the eyes.

"Buy Olay Regenerist Eye Cream and Concealer, 0.5 Ounce" Overview

Regenerist Touch of Concealer Eye Regenerating Cream combines advanced hydrating amino-peptide + B3 complex to visibly lift and regenerate your look with a touch of concealer to instantly diminish the appearance of dark circles around the eyes. Light & Non-Greasy • Fragrance-Free • Suitable for everyday use. The results? Instantly brightens and regenerates for eyes that look more youthful, awakened and vibrant.You will not be disappointed with Olay Regenerist Eye Cream and Concealer, 0.5 Ounce

Olay Regenerist Eye Cream and Concealer, 0.5 Ounce Specifications

Regenerist Touch of Concealer Eye Regenerating Cream combines advanced hydrating amino-peptide + B3 complex to visibly lift and regenerate your look with a touch of concealer to instantly diminish the appearance of dark circles around the eyes. Light & Non-Greasy • Fragrance-Free • Suitable for everyday use. The results? Instantly brightens and regenerates for eyes that look more youthful, awakened and vibrant.

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Friday, June 15, 2012

Loreal Wrinkle Decrease Collagen Filler Eye Cream , 0.5 Oz

Loreal Wrinkle Decrease Collagen Filler Eye Cream , 0.5 Oz Review

Loreal Wrinkle Decrease Collagen Filler Eye Cream , 0.5 Oz

Loreal Wrinkle Decrease Collagen Filler Eye Cream , 0.5 Oz Feature

  • Loreal Dermo Expertise Wrinkle Decrease Collagen Filler Eye Cream reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Loreal Wrinkle Decrease Collagen Filler For Eyes is a wrinkle reducer formulated with boswelox.
  • Developed to brighten dark hollow looking circles, with light reflecting micro pearls.
  • Brighten, soften and lighten dark and hollow looking circles.

"Buy Loreal Wrinkle Decrease Collagen Filler Eye Cream , 0.5 Oz" Overview

INDICATIONS: Loreal Wrinkle Decrease Collagen Filler For Eyes is a wrinkle reducer formulated with boswelox and collagen bio-spheres that penetrate the skin surface to expand and plump cells to visibly reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.You will not be disappointed with Loreal Wrinkle Decrease Collagen Filler Eye Cream , 0.5 Oz

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

UNT Eclat Eye Gel - Dark Circle Eye Treatment

UNT Eclat Eye Gel - Dark Circle Eye Treatment Review

UNT Eclat Eye Gel - Dark Circle Eye Treatment

UNT Eclat Eye Gel - Dark Circle Eye Treatment Feature

  • Enhances the skin's own capacity to eliminate pigmented by-products of hemoglobin
  • Increases skin density to better support the microvascular network around the eyes
  • Alleviates inflammation which can lead to vessel fragility
  • Decrease fine lines under eyes
  • Free shipping worldwide with no minimum purchase required

"Buy UNT Eclat Eye Gel - Dark Circle Eye Treatment" Overview

[Size: 15ml / 0.5 FL. OZ.] UNT's ECLAT is a unique bio-active treatment formulated with HALOXYL. It specifically prevents and diminishes dark circles around the eyes, significantly reducing the red and blue discoloration in the skin. Tested by 22 volunteers, after 56 days of 2 daily treatments, 72% showed a decrease in red by 19.5% on average, while 63% showed a decrease in blue by 19% on average. Oil-free and alcohol-free formula does not burden or irritate the fragile eye areas.You will not be disappointed with UNT Eclat Eye Gel - Dark Circle Eye Treatment

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dermitage Dark Circle Eye Cream with Rejuvaline, .5 Oz.

Dermitage Dark Circle Eye Cream with Rejuvaline, .5 Oz. Review

Dermitage Dark Circle Eye Cream with Rejuvaline, .5 Oz.

Dermitage Dark Circle Eye Cream with Rejuvaline, .5 Oz. Feature

  • Soothing under-eye crème with protective Actiflow reduces puffiness and under-eye circles.

"Buy Dermitage Dark Circle Eye Cream with Rejuvaline, .5 Oz." Overview

Diminish dark circles and under-eye puffiness with this soothing formula. See visible results and appear more youthful within minutes of the first application! Protective Actiflow reduces the appearance of dark circles and puffiness by increasing circulation. Patented Lipolight technology illuminates the under-eye area with natural lightening pigments for brightness and enhanced skin tone. Patented Inflacin helps calm skin and reduce the visible redness and swelling for a more even-toned complexion.You will not be disappointed with Dermitage Dark Circle Eye Cream with Rejuvaline, .5 Oz.

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Monday, June 11, 2012

Aveeno Smart Essentials Anti-fatigue Eye Treatment, 0.27-Ounce

Aveeno Smart Essentials Anti-fatigue Eye Treatment, 0.27-Ounce Review

Aveeno Smart Essentials Anti-fatigue Eye Treatment, 0.27-Ounce

Aveeno Smart Essentials Anti-fatigue Eye Treatment, 0.27-Ounce Feature

  • De-puffs under eye area by massaging with a cooling roller-ball.
  • Hydrates to help immediately brighten the eye area.
  • Infuses your delicate under-eye skin with antioxidant Southerwood extract and vitamins A, C & E in a formula to combat dark circles.

"Buy Aveeno Smart Essentials Anti-fatigue Eye Treatment, 0.27-Ounce" Overview

Great, healthy looking skin begins with a refreshed outlook. Lack of sleep, free-radicals and a hectic lifestyle can result in dark circles and puffiness. Formulated with antioxidant Southernwood extract,SMART Essentials Anti-Fatigue Eye Treatment hydrates and infuses under eyes with vitamins and antioxidants so you'll look and feel replenished.You will not be disappointed with Aveeno Smart Essentials Anti-fatigue Eye Treatment, 0.27-Ounce

Aveeno Smart Essentials Anti-fatigue Eye Treatment, 0.27-Ounce Specifications

AVEENO SMART ESSENTIALS Anti-Fatigue Eye Treatment

Smart Skincare that Knows What Your Skin Needs
Great, healthy looking skin begins with a refreshed outlook. Lack of sleep, free-radicals and a hectic lifestyle can result in dark circles and puffiness. Formulated with antioxidant Southernwood extract, AVEENO SMART ESSENTIALS Anti-Fatigue Eye Treatment hydrates and infuses under eyes with vitamins and antioxidants so you'll look and feel replenished.

AVEENO SMART ESSENTIALS is a unique line harnessing the power of ACTIVE NATURALS antioxidant Southernwood extract in formulas to cleanse, nourish, protect and treat stressed skin so you can look beautiful every day.

At a Glance
Anti-Fatigue Eye Treatment
At a Glance
  It keeps the good in:
  • Infuses your delicate under-eye skin with antioxidant Southernwood extract and vitamins A, C and E in a formula made to combat dark circles.

  • Hydrates to help immediately brighten the eye area.
  And the bad out:
  • De-puffs under-eye area by massaging with a cooling roller-ball.
At a Glance

The Nourishing Benefits of Southernwood
Nourishing Benefits of Southernwood
Nourish stressed skin with antioxidant Southernwood extract and essential vitamins.

The Science of Southernwood
Found in the gardens and foothills of Europe, Southernwood has traditionally been used for its digestive purposes. Now, scientists for the AVEENO brand have extracted the plant's natural combination of sugars and polyphenols that have demonstrated antioxidant activity and can help to bind water to skin to fortify the moisture barrier.

Products with Southernwood
The SMART ESSENTIALS Facial Collection with ACTIVE NATURALS antioxidant Southernwood extract helps to keep the good in and the bad out. In a clinical study of the Daily Nourishing Moisturizer, 100% of women showed a visible improvement--transforming stressed skin into fresh skin.*

* In clinical testing, 100% of women showed an improvement in roughness, dehydration, or blotchiness

Recommended by dermatologists for over 60 years, AVEENO combines the best of nature and science to reveal the natural beauty of your skin. AVEENO uses select natural ingredients because of their advanced benefits; we call these ACTIVE NATURALS, natural ingredients uniquely formulated to deliver visible results.

What's in the Box
AVEENO SMART ESSENTIALS Anti-Fatigue Eye Treatment (0.27 Ounces).

Try the complete SMART ESSENTIALS line that contains antioxidant Southernwood extract and is specially formulated for stressed skin:

Aveeno SMART ESSENTIAL's Daily Detoxifying Scrub
Daily Detoxifying Scrub

Reveal your brilliant side by polishing away debris to reveal a brighter, smoother look.

Aveeno SMART ESSENTIAL's Pore Purifying Facial Wash
Pore Purifying Facial Wash

Purify and renew your skin with each wash. This mild formula supports moisture by cleansing without over-drying skin as it cleanses to remove impurities, dirt, and makeup.

Nourish & Protect
Aveeno SMART ESSENTIAL's Daily Nourishing Moisturizer SPF 30
Daily Nourishing Moisturizer SPF 30

Replenish stressed skin and strengthen and protect the skin's moisture barrier to leave skin soft and smooth.

Aveeno SMART ESSENTIAL's Nighttime Moisture Infusion
Nighttime Moisture Infusion

Replenish your skin's moisture barrier as you sleep so you can wake up to skin that feels refreshed, renewed, and ready to take on another day.

Aveeno SMART ESSENTIAL's Anti-fatigue Eye Treatment
Anti-fatigue Eye Treatment

Hydrate and infuse the eye area with vitamins and antioxidants so you'll look and feel refreshed and replenished.

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