Friday, July 20, 2012

Treat Your Eyes With Tea Bags

Making tea with the use of tea bags is a favorite beverage of those conscious of healthy living because of its ability to prevent serious diseases. But other than that, tea bags, not just mere tea leaves, can also help in getting rid of the puffiness, bags, and dark circles under the eyes. Many people have recommended the use of them as an easy and inexpensive way of giving the skin around your eyes a quick remedy. It is preferable to use circular ones because the shape matches the bone structure around our eyes.

Tea leaves are found to have the vital natural components the human body needs. Vitamins C and E, antioxidants, plus amino acids, can be found in your favorite brand of tea so this means your skin is being pampered while your body is also being shielded from sickness. Of course, the external application of tea leaves is better for the skin because it gets absorbed right away by the pores. Your skin will get a direct supply of those vitamins and amino acids; thus, your skin around the eyes will be much better looking than before. That explains why applying tea bags have become a popular skin care technique because it carries inside crushed tea leaves that can be applied on the eyes' surrounding skin without so much mess.

If you still haven't tried using tea bags before in treating your eye bags, eye puffiness, or dark circles then I will give simple instructions and tips for using tea bags for your eyes.

First, boil two bags inside a kettle-not too long, just enough to make them moderately warm. After doing so, squeeze them to remove water. Lie down and then place the tea bags on each eye. Allow them to lose warmth before removing.

Sometimes there is still excess water so it is advisable that you place a towel behind your back so water can trickle down without making a mess. Some also say that cooling first the tea would produce better results, but warm tea bags make the skin treatment more comfortable.

Now, whenever you drink your daily dose of tea or want to remove your skin problems, all you have to do is go to the kitchen and grab some bags from the shelf and make yourself either a cup of tea or warm tea for the eyes.

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